Hi-Tea with Paula Malai Ali
(Blog Update For 25th September 2006)My dear friend Alice George invited us for a hi-tea session with Paula Malai Ali...of course it wasn't just Hi-Tea with her...but of course a short interview session whereby my colleague Rex was there to interview Paula on her new interesting deal with Star Sports and her new TV show. Previously she was from another channel but now she's here...??
Whoa...that's a good jump and great move! It was Jack, Rex and Myself who were there this afternoon at Hotel Nikko where Paula Malai Ali and Alice George were waiting for us by the poolside.
Paula is such a great person to talk to...she has a very good personality, so down to earth. She's not like any other celebrities you know. Well if you happen to see her...do talk to her like how you talk to your friends.
Meet Paula Malai Ali's friends - haha...i really don't know what to say for this picture. We were so dressed up for the occasion...but too much coz we were going to attend a cocktail reception party at night later on.
By the poolside interviewing Paula...
Again...One Square Hill..Paula's there with Jack!!! the infamous Jack|SQ!
Paula simply loves Shaz :P Oops..i mean everybody loves shaz!
Rex recording Paula for his show on Xfresh FM.
Yes...Paula was aired on Xfresh FM - on the English top 10 show.
She's so sweet and so nice :-) It was such a great day having hi-tea with Paula...
Rex interviewing Paula on her latest show on Star Sports.
Paula Malai Ali...first time i met her was last 2001 at Microsoft Windows XP Launch at Starhill.
Do watch her on Star Sports - i believe it's on every friday nights!
That's so true!!! :P
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