Saturday, August 26, 2006

Sunday Outing @ PC Fair KLCC & Subang

(Blog Update For 13th August 2006 - Sunday)

It was a bright early sunday morning for me as i went out to KJ to fetch Calvin...anyways that update is gonna come a bit later. But for now, well it was Me, Calvin, Slinky, Evie, Ivan and Kel Li. We went to KLCC Convention Center - had an awesome time there...

Tried to search for a webcam that Evie's been wantin to get so that she can webcam with me and YEE HOU!! :P ... ok la... anyways - i don't really want to write so much here.

Went to have supper with Kingsley (an old friend of mine, didnt know he's a blogger) and Fred from APIIT. The minute i knew Kingsley is a blogger our friendship became totally different!! HAHAAHA.. we started goin out so much...Aqua Burger la.. Cum Burger la...ishh :P

Enjoy the pics...
Here's a group pic of us here at the Convention Center, who'se in the picture? Let's see... Calvism, Evie, Ivan and Kel Li...and of course im behind the camera :-)

Ok, i know most of you know that i don't drink...well here's Bundaberg for you!!!

YESSS...gotcha!!! Its 0% Alcohol...of course i will NEVER drink :P

Well...the high-ness effect just came upon me!!! Ouchh...

Was with Slinky earlier in the day...wahhh every1 says he's so cute with his glasses on :P

Another group shot of us here at the KLCC Convention Center.

This may look ever-so delicious and tempting...but trust me its not that good.

Funny that i have the craving for Durian ever since LUCT's Wings Coffee came up with Durian Smoothie...

2nd dinner time more like at Ampang Waterfront.

First time met up with Fred here at the Ampang Waterfront. He's from APIIT and super busy nowadays for his final assignments and all.

Kingsley!!! know this guy since 2001 and many stories to tell you guys about him here coz he's been around alot like KJ...working here and there.. hehehe :P

Ampang people...yes we were missing a few peeps on this night...

Newcomers tonight were Kingsley and Fred. Never knew that Kingsley is a blogger till i saw his hopeless romantic blog :P Mwhaha...

That's all for tonight guys, we enjoyed ourself!!! It was awesome! :-)


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