Monday, July 02, 2007

Jack's Farewell...[FAITH]

There's so much you can learn from one another... learn from your friends, teachers, mentors, best friends, brothers, sisters, parents, and many more... If only you really do open up your hearts and listen to what they have to say then you will really appreciate each and everything...

The blog entry title for this post has nothing to do with this post actually...but the meaning of it i shall explain in the upcoming entry.

My dearest brother Jack...has shared with me a lot of things in life and taught me things that i never knew before and clarified a whole lot of stuffs. Nevertheless, we sort of exchanged knowledge with one another. Sharing experiences and all... it was challenging to keep up to this world with many new things going on at the same time. But anyways...

Jack has left the country to Australia to further his studies...all these while seeing him study, doing assignments, printing them to the correct specifications and requirements... never knew that it would be this hard to let him go off to a land far far away... Well anyways - bro all the best in Australia. This post is dedicated to a few of the fun things that we've experienced over the past few months / weeks... Take care...

The boy who has left for Sydney... my dearest brother... all the best!

We went for a house visit at Jack's residence...he was SURPRISED :P mwahhaa...

At Starhill with Stephy and Jack! The fun times we all had with each other!

Did you know that Starhill's time tunnel connects you from a world prestigious hotel to a world reknowned fine dining cuisine restaurants and etc :P

The tunnel that leads us to really expensive food!

At Sushi Groove with Ringo....aka former classmate!

Celebrating Jack's B'day with Joanne, Adam C and myself here at Jogoya in Starhill.

Taking pictures also have to smile arr?? mwhaha...then this one time we'll be smiling for Stephy Poo!

Adam, Jack and Jo simply LOVES Japanese FOOD! I love the BUFFET part!


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