Monday, January 01, 2007

Sarong Party People!!!

(Blog Update For 15th December 2006)

Happy New Year for all my friends, it's been a wonderful year and this 2007 will be a new start for many of us...start this year fresh and new - forget about your past, your quarrels and all. Happy New Year 2007!!!

By the way, it was a friday evening - my friend had a sarong party at "The Westin" hotel - it was mostly my collegemates actually Sheena, Amal and etc...and my friends Anne, Huey Yeeing, and my colleague William and my good friend Xian Jin. There were others who were suppose to attend but didn't make it, Jack was suppose to be there but oops he was away for camp! There were a few other people as well, which makes this sarong party more "comfortable" and open!

We were given a sarong each of which we have to dress it up on ourself the best way we could. Wooohoo!!! Anyways, all the pictures are self explanatory...and most of the time - many of them actually wanted a piece of Xian Jin's 21....oopsie! Just read it below la...

Before i start with this really funny entry with really funny pictures..haha!!! Here's a Happy New Year wish to each and everyone of you - couldn't find another better picture than this recent one.
Happy New Year 2007 - this is one of the most recent picture i've taken, was at Starhill Gallery together with Hao Wei and Jack. Happy New Year to all my friends!!!

This post is rated 21SX - those who are underage, please get your parents consent :P

What can you do with a sarong? - A Sarong Party...what's that??? I've never heard of it!

Notice something different, in the first picture - i'm wearing a blue striped shirt, now i'm wearing sleeveless gym attire??? Oh that's Sheena my collegemate from LimKokWing. Whoaa..this looks more like a LimKokWing student reunion sarong party!!!

William and Xian Jin posing!!! Don't drink too much coz'd do the unimaginable in the car! :P

Group picture together with Anne, Huey Ying, Will and Xian Jin. Notice how the girls wear their sarong differently!

Xian Jin - decided to wear his a little bit differently...he actually put it inside his pants, tied it to his you know what and look at that massive 21" inch'er...could any girls resist that temptation???

To answer to the previous question, i bet not...cold hard stoned girls such as this one above could not resist Xian Jin's 21" inch'er...

Gloriously talking about his 21"inch'er...girls who are playing mahjong on the table also can't resist touching it! What HAPPENED???? Keep it in your pants Xian Jin :P...

Now let this girl give a piece of her mind to Xian Jin's piece...
Friends - don't ever try doing this at your friend's party coz you'll only get more famous than you already are. This night, Xian Jin was really a party cracker...we got to know so many new friends!!! Thanks to the Sarong Party people!!!


At 8:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL Shaz those photos are really funny! Haha! I see a crazy and fun gathering. How nice!


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