Thursday, September 13, 2007

JetSTAR: KLIA, the continuation...

(Blog Update For 9th September 2007)

Just imagine being able to take picture of an aircraft, but then again you don't have a wide angle lens and all. Are you tempted in buying a brand new camera or lens? Well... let's see!

On the left hand side here, we have a picture of 3 lovely gorgeous ladies who enjoys being part of the JetSTAR team! They're flying back to Sydney now! How i wish im there!

Here's the continuation for JetSTAR's inaugural flight here to Kuala Lumpur. The continuation to the first part. You may see some repetitive photos but was taken over a construed time! Therefor let's have a look at the photos now!

Remember... the photos uploaded here are not edited, none of the photos are... except for adding the captions onto the photo. Then that can't be helped. No color, levels edits... everything is raw from the camera!

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The tail of the plane... one of the big guys from JetSTAR came over to me and let me know that the aircraft is BRAND NEW!

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Every aircraft need refuelling... even this one too!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket The JetSTAR Flyin' CREW! All posing for this superb photo!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Thought of posting these pics up double! Cause my friend Zin seems to like this one pretty much!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket This aircraft only has 3 engines... well will let y'all know more about the specs later! :)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket The weather on this night is so perfect for each and everyone of us to fall asleep into!

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At 7:18 PM, Blogger TZ said...

Just wondered where will JetStar bring us to? Is it possible to provide me the website... I'm planning for a vacation during Raya. :-)

At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

brisbane here i come :D


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