Saturday, July 01, 2006

The Colors of Life...

(Blog Update For 30th June 2006)

Now, this blog update is for those people who think that in Malaysia we don't have such a great looking sky....mwahhaha!!! Well it's sort of true and untrue...we do have a great SKY, its whether or not we notice it (that's if we spent too much time inside).

We certainly do spend a lot of time inside the house doing house chores or just loitering around and be a couch potato...either that or working (stay indoor) or go shopping until we've forgotten what's on top of us...

Well yes, there's the sky...clouds...the atmosphere and much more...Well the sky is the limit (but except for those people who goes outerspace)...yes you can do pretty much what you want to do but can't go further than the sky. I don't really know what im talking about so i'll just cut to the point.

We should really once in a while just try to admire the nature that surrounds us wherever we go...try to look at outself when we were young...what did we use to do...the sky that we used to look at, the games that we play...everything is just so different.

One fine day...just try to spend sometime out in the nature, the nearest place to go for a nice relaxing afternoon would be Putrajaya Wetlands...experience a sunset that's so out of this world.

The pictures taken in this blog update were taken within the All Asia Broadcast Center compound in Technology Park Malaysia. Thanks to Albert & Jason for telling me their secrets about photoshop (oOps...i shall not discuss that here). But certainly the photos are nice (i think)...wouldn't mind developing some too.


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