Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Guilt Free Food...brand new start

(Blog Update For June 20th 2006)

A brand new start to better living and healthy food starts right here on my BLOG!

Why? Because all you people been eating like MALAYSIANS and no one ever seems to care about their body as much anymore...come on seriously if we keep on eating 24/7...mamak'ing and lepak'ing...(plus our food is so oily...the usage of oil in our food / cooking is far much more than any western dishes). So yea...come on eat right and exercise!!!

Why gymnasiums are such a success story here in Malaysia...well i'll blog about that soon but for now, lets see what kind of Guilt Free Food outlets we have here in Malaysia.

O'Briens is one of them...we get to have FRESH sandwiches made right in front of us and served either cold or toasted. The first time i tried these sandwiches with William and Naveena i fell in LOVE with it!!!

I used to think that O'Briens is the kind of restaurant / eating place that i can't seem to afford..but come to think of it it's about the same price as any other things in the market. Oh well, had O'Briens on this day for lunch when Jack was free for lunch as he had classes on this day so we went out for a QUICK bite just after i went for a workout at the gym.

So, do yourself a favour...go get yourself O'Briens Sandwiches TODAY!!!

(Nearest Outlet is : Great Eastern Mall, 1Utama and The Curve)


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