Monday, June 26, 2006

Gig @ Laundry Bar Gath For LUCT classmates...

(Blog Update For June 15th & 19th 2006)

It was a radical day...(now this reminds me of a drink back in europe which's flavor is called "Radical"), beside the point...this evening i went to Laundry bar @ The Curve with Albert and Fazri for a gig there. Mostly to support our friend Kevin of BrokenScar.

Met up with my collegemates Effa, Ringo, Ee Ching and Amanda who were there (Felicia was there too but left early). It was great, finally just to get the chance to meet up with some old friends again...we had so much to catch up on that time just flies....

Took some photos and here we are again...Thanks to Effa for the lovely dinner here at Italiannies.

Next one would be the Fete De La Musique @ Bangsar - Jln Telawi. Great music, great place...but attendance was poor. On the same day, Yo-Yo competition at Sunway Pyramid LL2 was held at the same time. So Emir and Jack covered that event whereelse myself and William covered the one at Bangsar. Muiz and Albert covered the Garden Party at AFKL on Lorong Gurney.

On Monday June 19th, we were working extra hours...well Jack worked after class to be here at TGV KLCC for the premiere of Scary Movie. Myself, Emir and Jack were suppose to give away flyers and conduct a survey. Thus by doing so we made new friends. Except that Jack wanted to leave prior to the start of the movie as he had assignments to complete.

Thanks to everyone for making each day as enjoyable as it could be and as succesful.


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