Sunday, June 11, 2006

Footsteps to Higher Education...

(Blog Update For 22nd May 2006)

Monday, a new start for the week and its a whole new beginning for Jack as i drove him over to Monash University @ Sunway on this day as he needed to enquire about the courses available here at Monash.

Since Monash is under the group of eight, its a kind of expensive Uni to study in. The course / fee structure is one thing...but seriously its expensive man!!!

Anyway, was at HELP UC first, had lunch was kinda reasonable as HELP Students get 10% discount on top of the special lunch set price.

Monash was awesome, met up with Jared there (no he wasnt having any classes there...) well after Monash we went to 1Utama to meet up with Emir for a short brief meeting. Then after that dinner we headed off to The Curve.

Enjoy the pictures, most of the pictures below were taken by kudos to JACK!!! - Great pics bro!


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