Monday, January 30, 2006

Gong Xi Fa Cai 2006

Blog Update For 29th January 2006 (Sunday)

Happy Chinese New Year to all my friends out there...who are celebrating CNY 2006!!!Well, as most of my friends are Chinese, and they are all busy...collecting ang pow's, balik kampong (going back to their hometown), and busy visiting relatives...

Ruzy, Jared & I had nothing better to do. It was the holiday for us...We decided to go to Bangsar Shopping Center at buy some tickets for a show at Actors Studio Bangsar. Have you ever heard of "Actorlympics"? Well that show on Star World...with the actors acting with each other and interacting with the crowds. Well, they have it here at BSC's Actor's Studio. Come on over get your tickets (at student price) and enjoy the's hillarious!!!

Wanted to buy some shirts and pants from BSC, but most of the shops were closed, so we decided to move on to 1Utama. Wow, parking was so's never been like this, well the weird thing is...there were so so so many CHINESE people at the mall, i thought on the first day of CNY they are suppose to be at home with the family...but hey, i can hardly see any Malays or Indians there at 1U.

So yea...most of the shops were closed (this shows how many chinese are dominating the business world, oii...what happened to the malays???).Saw my first Lion Dance of the year, it was great tho it was just a 10 minutes show.Had some lecka-lecka...paraded the mall but nothing to do so we moved on to KLCC.

Went to KLCC, and same thing...most shops were closed, wanted to go to Salvatore Ferragamo, but that was closed too. Ruzy wanted to go to Isetan...well..that was closed.

So we ended up walking around, accidentally met up with a friend of mine from APIIT. Wajahat (from Pakistan), we spent some time walking around and joke with each other, we went to Times Book Store, Tower Records...but it was already late, so we had to part.

Sent Ruzy back home and that was my day :) How was yours?


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